The Nurse Clinic Duty of Candour policy can be found online or call us 01234 958995 to find out more or discuss further
Statutory and professional duties of candour
There are two types of duty of candour, statutory and professional.
Both have similar aims – to make sure that those providing care are open and transparent with the people using their services, whether or not something has gone wrong.
Professional duty is overseen by regulators of specific healthcare professions such as Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC).
We share a common purpose with our partners in health and social care – and that is to provide high quality care and ensure the best possible outcomes for the people who use our services.
Our pledge is to endeavour to provide a first class service at all times, but sometimes things go wrong and our service may fall below our expected levels.
The Nurse Clinic is registered and regulated by the Care Quality Commission and the Nursing and Midwifery Council. In order to comply with Regulation 20 of the Health and Social Act 2008 (Regulations 2014), we will:
Have a culture of openness and honesty at all levels
Inform patients in a timely manner when safety incidents have occurred which may affect them
Provide a written and truthful account of the incident, explaining any investigations and enquiries made
If you would like to discuss our Duty of Candour policy in more detail please email us on